La Prensa Libre, Costa Rica

NOTE: La Prensa Libre (The Free Press) was a daily newspaper published in San José, the capital city of Costa Rica. It was the country's oldest continually published newspaper, founded in 11 June 1889. The newspaper stopped publishing its print edition on 31 December 2014, and moved to a digital format in January 2015. In August 2020, Grupo Extra announced that the newspaper was to cease publication, citing reduced advertising revenue due to the COVID-19 pandemic. 

The book “magicNine” made it to The Free Press of Costa Rica on Wednesday, 8th of April 2015:  La Prensa Libre – Un relato de la vida se plasma en “magicNine”.

Un relato de la vida se plasma en “magicNine”

Kimberly Herrera Salazar 08 de abril, 2015 | 06:23 PM

Baisakhi Saha es una mujer nacida en la India y quien desde hace ya varios años reside en Costa Rica. Amante de la lectura, el arte y la danza decidió escribir un libro basado en su propia vida.

Es por ello que “magicNine” es hoy en día uno de sus mayores orgullos, con el que ha logrado plasmar muchos momentos importantes de su vida.

 “Es un recuento de la magia de la vida, el significado que este tiene y la magia viene como coincidencia, signos que sí podemos flotar un poco aumenta la vida con muchas respuestas y señales mágicas”, explicó la escritora.

La india asegura que durante el tiempo en el que escribió el libro, el cual ronda los tres años, viajó por diferentes países del mundo y fue toda una experiencia muy intensa de su vida.

“Este libro es basado en mi vida, en mi viaje interior, es decir, mis experimentos de la vida, experiencias y estaba buscando muchas cosas como respuestas, amor y otras cosas”, comentó Saha.

Por otro lado, la escritora afirma que el nombre de este que en español significa “Magico nueve” se debe a las buenas experiencias que ha tenido a lo largo de su vida con este número.

El libro se encuentra en las principales librerías del país desde el 9 de setiembre del año anterior y la escritora promete grandes momentos con esta recopilación.



A life story is reflected in “magicNine”

Kimberly Herrera Salazar 08 April, 2015 | 06.23 PM
The book is an account of the experiences of the author.
The book is an account of the experiences of the author.

Baisakhi Saha, a young woman born in India, for several years now has been living in Costa Rica. A book lover, artist and dancer, she decided to write a book based on her own life.

That is why today “magicNine” is one of her proudest achievements, in which she has managed to capture many important moments of her life.

“An account of the magic of life, its meaning, and that magic appears as coincidences, signs that if we can follow a little, it’ll enhance life with many answers and magical signals”, explained the writer.

The Indian girl affirmed that during the time she was writing the book, which is around three years, she traveled to different countries of the world and it was quite an intense experience of her life.

“This book is based on my life, my inner journey, that is, my experiments and experiences in life; I was looking for many things, like answers, love etc.”, commented Saha.

On the other hand, the writer states that the name of this book which in Spanish means “Magico nueve” is due to the good experiences she has had throughout her life with this number.

The book is available in major bookstores nationwide from September 9 last year and the writer promises great moments with this collection.

Screenshot of magicNine coverage in La Prensa Libre

Author: boi

Hi, I am a storyteller; I tell real stories about real people to fictitious characters!

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